July 16, 2023


Study reveals people most likely to hold antisemitic views (King's College London, 7/15/23)

People who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to have antisemitic opinions than non-believers, new research shows.

Dr. Daniel Allington, Reader in Social Analytics at King's has led the most comprehensive study to date examining the opinions of people with antisemitic views. The study is published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

Researchers also found antisemitic views to be more prevalent among people who consider it justifiable to take extreme authoritarian action against political opponents, and people who want to overthrow social order.

The findings suggest that antisemitism may be less closely linked to political beliefs than has previously been implied, and more closely linked to opinions and views on other topics such as religion, ethnic nationalism, and conspiracy theories.

Your lab leak hysteria is showing...

Posted by at July 16, 2023 12:00 AM


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