May 26, 2023
Has Science Evolved into Technology? (Marco Andreacchio, 5/26/23, Voegelin View)
Has science evolved into technology? This question deserves unpacking. "Science" here refers to a modern variant of rationalism, the "autonomous" one that Edmund Husserl bashed as a farce.[1] Now, at first it would seem that science and technology are two distinct enterprises. Science provides an epistemological grounding for technological praxis. Yet, science, as Werner Heisenberg discovered speaking of "today's physics' picture of nature," is about our relationship with nature, rather than nature in and of itself.[2] What this means is that science can no longer be merely Cartesian: it cannot be "merely theoretical." In fact, modern science never was. But now we have a popular confirmation of what science really is, namely a process by which theory as formal method becomes eminently practical, or as Hegel would put it, "concrete."
Being hostile to Intellectualism while embracing the practical has been a massive boon.
Posted by Orrin Judd at May 26, 2023 12:00 AM