February 5, 2020


The Downfall of the Republican Party (Peter Wehner, 2/02/20, The Atlantic)

In 1991, when Václav Havel received the Sonning Prize for contributions to European civilization, he spoke about those "who are starting to lose their battle with the temptations of power." It is an insidious thing, Havel warned, to become captive to the perks of power. Politicians, he said, soon learn how easy it is to justify staying in power even as they give up bits of their soul in the process. It is easier than they think, he said, to get "morally tainted."

"Politics is an area of human endeavor that places greater stress on moral sensitivity," Havel concluded, "on the ability to reflect critically on oneself, on genuine responsibility, on taste and tact, on the capacity to empathize with others, on a sense of moderation, on humility. It is a job for modest people, for people who cannot be deceived."

To see men and women who in other spheres of their lives are admirable, who got into politics because they believed it was a noble profession and had a positive vision for the Republican Party, beaten down and broken by Trump is a poignant thing. Their weakness and servility, their vassalage to such a fundamentally corrupt man, is dispiriting to those of us who not only lament the injury Trump is inflicting on the nation as a whole but who still care about the Republican Party and worry that conservatism is in the process of being subsumed into angry, ethnic populism.

Posted by at February 5, 2020 9:44 PM