October 22, 2019


Justin Trudeau's victory is a death knell for Canada's fledgling far-right (Martin Patriquin,  22 Oct 2019, The Guardian)

[I]n defeating Conservative party, the Liberals have instead called into question the direction of conservativism in Canada. The Conservative leader, Andrew Scheer, himself a social conservative, was decidedly uncomfortable discussing issues of abortion, same sex marriage and climate change.

Though Scheer's plan to scrap Trudeau's carbon tax was popular in Canada's oil-producing regions, it put him at odds with public opinion across the country. As a result, the party failed to gain momentum in either Quebec or the vote-rich confines of suburban Ontario.

And the election was also a veritable death knell for the country's fledging far right party, the People's Party of Canada. Its leader, former Conservative MP Maxime Bernier, adopted the tone and substance of Trumpian nativism, decrying multiculturalism and promising to decrease immigration. Formed just over a year ago, the PPC ran a nearly full slate of candidates, yet failed to win a single seat.

Posted by at October 22, 2019 12:00 AM