November 23, 2018

Posted by orrinj at 9:29 PM


More than 30,000 Indian-American Sikhs have entered the trucking industry in 2 years (JIM AXELROD, 11/18/18,  CBS NEWS)

More than 30,000 Sikhs have entered the trucking industry in the last two years.   

"For Sikhs, they want to keep their articles of faith, turban, unshaven hair, beard, moustache -- it's a safety hazard for a lot of jobs that require it. So in trucking they can keep everything, and still make a decent living," Pandher said. 

Pandher bought a used tractor-trailer 13 years ago. Now he owns nine rigs, plus a truck stop in Laramie.

With so many Sikh truck drivers, he even added a Sikh temple to his truck stop. And his kitchen offers Indian specials that attract new fans as well.

But it's more than a friendly truck stop that's drawing Sikhs to a career behind the wheel. Recruiting videos that look like something straight from Bollywood promise a glamorous future: fancy truck, nice car, a wife making food for the road. Pandher said it's "pretty much" made from reality. 
"I mean the presentation can be a little eye-catchy, but you know that's the reality," Pandher said.

Posted by orrinj at 9:23 PM


Posted by orrinj at 3:40 PM


Many Who Buy ACA Health Plans For 2019 Find Lower Prices And More Choice (Jordan Rau, November 23, 2018,  Morning Edition)

In recent years, some cities, including Memphis and Phoenix, withered into health insurance wastelands, as insurers fled and premiums skyrocketed in the insurance marketplaces that were set up under the Affordable Care Act.

But today, as in many parts of the U.S., these two cities are experiencing something unprecedented: Insurance premiums are sinking and choices are sprouting.

In the newly competitive market in Memphis, for example, the cheapest midlevel "silver" plan for 2019 health coverage will cost $498 a month for a 40-year-old -- a 17 percent decrease compared to last year.

And four insurers are now selling ACA policies in Phoenix. That's the same market that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump highlighted in 2016 because all but one insurer had left the region -- he called it proof of "the madness of Obamacare."

Janice Johnson, a 63-year-old retiree in Arizona's Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, said her monthly premium for a high-deductible bronze plan will be $207 for 2019, instead of $270, because she is switching carriers.

"When you're on a fixed income, that makes a difference," said Johnson, who receives a government subsidy to help cover her premium. "I'll know more in a year from now if I'm going to stick with this company. But I'm going to give them a chance, and I'm pretty excited by that."

Posted by orrinj at 3:28 PM


Trump Fans Sink Savings Into 'Iraqi Dinar' Scam (Will Sommer, 11.20.18, Daily Beast)

Trump supporter Hayes Kotseos runs a North Carolina pool-maintenance company, but she's got a side bet that she thinks might make her fabulously wealthy: the Iraqi dinar.

The currency is nearly worthless outside of Iraq, but Kotseos bought millions of dinars in April, after watching a video of President Trump at a 2017 press conference. In the clip, Trump says, with characteristic vagueness, that all currencies will soon "be on a level playing field."

In reality, Trump was talking about trade imbalances with China. But like other Trump supporters who have fallen into the dinar investment scam, which has existed since at least 2012, Kotseos interpreted Trump's rambling statement as proof that the Iraqi dinar would soon be worth as much or even more than the dollar, making anyone who had been smart enough to buy in early a millionaire.

Posted by orrinj at 3:23 PM


London group with alleged ties to Hamas cooks chicken soup with local Jews (CNAAN LIPHSHIZ, 11/23/18, JTA)

Dozens of British Jews cooked chicken soup for homeless people with volunteers from a Muslim group that is banned in Israel over alleged ties to Hamas.

At least 1,000 bowls of soup, which used a traditional Jewish recipe and halal meat, were prepared at the East London Mosque on Sunday, the East London Advertiser reported. The drive was part of Mitzvah Day, a Jewish communal initiative that encourages social action and that started in the United Kingdom 13 years ago.

According to the BBC, the London-based Muslim Aid group helped organize the event, where its volunteers wore its logo on green shirts. In 2008, Ehud Barak, who was then Israel's defense minister, outlawed the group in Israel, citing unspecified ties to Hamas.

Posted by orrinj at 3:15 PM


Bad News for Trump? Judge in Russia Case Says Collusion Could Be Enough for Criminal Charge (Ronn Blitzer, November 23rd, 2018, lAW & cRrIME)

"This court ruling should drive another nail in the coffin of the argument that collusion is not a crime. It clearly can be, and the crime is conspiracy - even if no other independent criminal violations are identified," wrote Randall Eliason, a former federal prosecutor and lecturer at George Washington Law School.  "Mueller's use of that theory in his Russian social media indictment is a textbook example of a 371 conspiracy to defraud the U.S., and that theory has now been validated by the trial judge's ruling."

As U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich explained in his opinion last week, there are two ways to violate 18 U.S.C. 371. One can either "conspire ... to commit any offense against the United States," which is conspiracy in the traditional sense, or one can conspire "to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose[.]"

For either method of conspiracy, one must have an agreement with another party to carry out the conspiracy, an then at least one party must "do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy."

Pity the poor Trumpbots and their argument that, "Sure, it was collusion, but that's not a crime..."

Posted by orrinj at 3:12 PM


Trump loses bid to dismiss New York lawsuit over his charity  (Reuters. 11/23/18) 

A New York state judge has rejected U.S. President Donald Trump's request to dismiss a lawsuit in which New York's attorney general accused him of misusing his personal charity to benefit his 2016 presidential campaign and his businesses.

Posted by orrinj at 3:07 PM


Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel (Rosalind S. Helderman, Josh Dawsey and Manuel Roig-Franzia November 23, 2018, Washington Post)

Conservative writer and conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, according to Corsi and another person with knowledge of the talks.

The talks with Corsi -- an associate of President Trump and GOP operative Roger Stone -- could bring Mueller's team closer to determining whether Trump or his advisers were linked to WikiLeaks' release of hacked Democratic emails in 2016, a key part of his long-running inquiry.

Corsi provided research on Democratic figures during the campaign to Stone, a longtime Trump adviser. For months, the special counsel has been scrutinizing Stone's activities in an effort to determine whether he coordinated with WikiLeaks. Stone and WikiLeaks have repeatedly denied any such coordination.

Stone has said that Corsi also has a relationship with Trump, built on their shared interest in the falsehood that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

What better relationship basis could there be than shared racist lunacy?

Posted by orrinj at 4:04 AM


DRIVERLESS BUSES AND TAXIS TO BE LAUNCHED IN BRITAIN BY 2021 (Simon Calder, 11/23/18, The Independent)

Scottish passengers could be the first in the world to experience autonomous buses.

The government has said that self-driving buses will be shuttling across the Forth Road Bridge in Scotland by 2021, carrying half a million passengers a year. 

The Department for Business is pumping £4.35m into a £6m project that will see five single-decker buses, each carrying 42 passengers, running on a 14-mile journey. 

Posted by orrinj at 4:04 AM


Siri thinks Donald Trump is a penis (Tom Warren, Nov 22, 2018, The Verge)
I'm not even American, but I just spat out a turkey dinner. Apple's Siri digital assistant thinks that President Donald Trump is a penis. If you use an iPhone to ask Siri how old Donald Trump is, you'll be greeted with a picture of a penis instead of a photo of the President. 

Who taught Melania to code?

Posted by orrinj at 4:03 AM


Posted by orrinj at 4:02 AM


The story of Viet Nam's economic miracle (Peter Vanham, 9/11/18, World Economic Forum)

So how did this growth miracle happen? According to analysts from the World Bank and the think tank Brookings, Viet Nam's economic rise can be explained by three main factors: "First, it has embraced trade liberalization with gusto. Second, it has complemented external liberalization with domestic reforms through deregulation and lowering the cost of doing business. Finally, Viet Nam has invested heavily in human and physical capital, predominantly through public investments."

Regarding the first factor, the analysts point to the various free trade agreements Viet Nam has signed in the last 20 years. In 1995, Viet Nam joined the ASEAN free trade area. In 2000, it signed a free trade agreement with the US, and in 2007 it joined the World Trade Organisation. Since then, further ASEAN agreements followed with China, India, Japan and Korea, and just this year, the amended Trans-Pacific Partnership went into effect - albeit without the US.

The cumulative effect of all these agreements was to gradually lower the tariffs imposed on both imports and exports to and from Viet Nam...

Posted by orrinj at 3:59 AM


Fiery West Wing meeting led to more power for military at U.S.-Mexico border (ELIANA JOHNSON, 11/22/2018, Politico)

Several White House aides and external advisers who have supported the president's hawkish immigration agenda attended the Monday meeting, which devolved into a melee pitting two of Trump's embattled aides, White House chief of staff John Kelly and Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, against other attendees, according to three people briefed on the exchange.

Kelly and Nielsen initially argued against signing the declaration, which granted the military broad authority at the border, telling the president that the move was beyond his constitutional powers. They were vocally opposed by, among others, senior policy adviser Stephen Miller; Chris Crane, president of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council; and Brandon Judd, president of the border patrol union. Also present was Vice President Mike Pence, who did not take a stand on the issue, according to one of the people briefed on the debate.

Kelly and Nielsen eventually came around to the president's position, and the bitter dispute ended Tuesday evening when Kelly, on Trump's orders, signed a Cabinet declaration granting the military the disputed authority. The move ran afoul of the guidance offered by the White House counsel, Emmet Flood, who cautioned that it was likely to run into constitutional roadblocks, according to a second source familiar with the conversations.

Nothing like going out the door violating your oath...

Posted by orrinj at 3:58 AM


Nigel Farage says Ukip's appointment of Tommy Robinson is 'dragging us in a shameful direction' (Peter Stubley, 11/23/18, Independent)

"I'm appalled," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Friday. "Gerard Batten has this sort of fixation with Tommy Robinson and discussing Islam and dragging Ukip into the direction of effectively being a street activist party."

Mr Farage claimed it had "blown a hole" in what he said were his efforts to make Ukip "a non-racist, non sectarian party." [...]

"If I have one real achievement in politics I did pretty much single-handedly kill off the BNP (British National Party)."

But he then added: "This is not about me, this is about Ukip being a sane electoral vehicle.

"They want to put Tommy Robinson up there as a big player in the Brexit debate too - that will damage the leave cause in this country.

"From every single aspect it is time we got rid of Gerard Batten and reclaimed the party."

Posted by orrinj at 3:57 AM


CIA holds 'smoking gun phone call' of Saudi Crown Prince on Khashoggi murder: Columnist
 (Hurriyet Daily News, 11/22/18)

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is in possession of a phone call recording of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in which he is heard giving an instruction to "silence Jamal Khashoggi as soon as possible," Hürriyet columnist Abdulkadir Selvi wrote on Nov. 22.

According to Selvi, CIA Director Gina Haspel "signalled" during her trip to Ankara last month the existence of the wiretapped phone call between Crown Prince Mohammed and his brother Khaled bin Salman, who is Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States.