September 5, 2018


Trump, White House attack new book from Bob Woodward (Ashley Parker and Josh Dawsey, September 4 , 2018, Washington Post)

West Wing aides and operatives in close contact with the White House said the administration did not have a war room readied to fight back against Woodward's harrowing depiction of the Trump presidency or a well-honed response strategy.

The usual pushback to unflattering books, one White House official said, is to discredit the author -- a tactic the White House deployed with mixed success following the publication of Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" and Manigault Newman's "Unhinged." But that playbook is unlikely to work with Woodward, a veteran chronicler of presidencies and a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, the official added. 

Conway, for instance, told others in the White House before Tuesday that Woodward was credible and that his book could be damaging.

A number of current and former White House aides said the book's depiction rang true, even if they were not sure of every detail. "I'm not sure why everyone is acting so shocked," one former senior administration official said. 

Several officials who spoke to Woodward said he showed up to interviews with documents and memos, as well as vivid accounts of scenes inside the White House.

One of the main objectives of Slate's Slow Burn podcast is try to recapture what it was like to live through Watergate and Whitewater, for participants and observers.  It charts the revelations and odd cameos and political obfuscations and all the rest, but at the end of the day the two stories really just boil down to the same simple fact: Richard Nixon tried to obstruct the Watergate investigation and Clinton the Paula Jones trial.  Likewise, all that matters about Donald is that he tried to obstruct justice in the Russia investigation.  Whether he's eventually removed from office or not just depends on control of Congress and Republican integrity.

Posted by at September 5, 2018 8:35 AM