August 15, 2018
She works for Trump. He can't stand him. This is life with Kellyanne and George Conway. (Ben Terris, August 15, 2018, wASHINGTON pOST)
Here's a conversation from a few days after our walk:Me: You told me you found [George's tweets] disrespectful.Kellyanne: It is disrespectful, it's a violation of basic decency, certainly, if not marital vows . . . as "a person familiar with their relationship."Me: No, we're on the record here. You can't say after the fact "as someone familiar."Kellyanne: I told you everything about his tweets was off the record.Me: No, that's not true. That never happened.Kellyanne: Well, people do see it this way. People do see it that way, I don't say I do, but people see it that way.Me: But I'm saying we never discussed everything about his tweets being off the record. There are certain things you said that I put off the record.Kellyanne: Fine. I've never actually said what I think about it and I won't say what I think about it, which tells you what I think about it.
Posted by Orrin Judd at August 15, 2018 6:59 PM