July 23, 2018

Posted by orrinj at 7:00 PM


Global Warming Linked to Higher Suicide Rates across North America (Dana G. Smith, July 23, 2018, Scientific American)

Suicide rates and temperatures are both on the rise, but are these two occurrences connected? A new study suggests maybe so. The research revealed hotter-than-average months corresponded to more deaths by suicide--and the effect isn't limited to the summer, even warmer winters show the trend.

Posted by orrinj at 6:55 PM


Congratulations, You Are Now a U.S. Citizen. Unless Someone Decides Later You're Not. (Patricia Mazzei, July 23, 2018, NY Times)

Norma Borgoño immigrated to the United States from Peru in 1989. A single mother with two children, she set roots in the Miami suburbs, finding work as a secretary, dedicating herself to her church and, earlier this year, welcoming her first grandchild, a girl named Isabel, after Ms. Borgoño's middle name.

She took the oath of citizenship in 2007, a step she felt would secure her status in her adopted homeland. But hers, it turns out, is not a feel-good immigrant story: The Justice Department has moved to revoke Ms. Borgoño's citizenship, an action that could eventually force her to return to Peru.

Federal prosecutors in May filed a rare denaturalization case against Ms. Borgoño, 64, accusing her of committing fraud when she applied for citizenship and failed to disclose that she had taken part in a crime several years before she applied for citizenship -- though she had not at the time been charged with it.

Posted by orrinj at 6:27 PM


U.S. Republican unveils bill calling for carbon tax (David Morgan, 7/23/18, Reuters) 

A Republican lawmaker in the U.S. House of Representatives unveiled a bill calling for a carbon tax on Monday, saying he hoped the legislation would at the very least renew a U.S. debate on climate change that has languished for a decade.

The revenues should be used to reduce income taxes.
Posted by orrinj at 2:16 PM


Communist-run Cuba starts rolling out internet on mobile phones (Sarah Marsh, 7/23/18, Reuters) 

Communist-run Cuba has started providing internet on the mobile phones of select users as it aims to roll out the service nationwide by year-end, in a further step toward opening one of the Western Hemisphere's least connected countries.

Posted by orrinj at 2:14 PM


U.S. judge allows five Manafort trial witnesses to testify in exchange for immunity (Reuters, 7/23/18) 

A federal judge said he would rule later on Monday over whether to delay the criminal trial of U.S. President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and that he planned to make public the identity of five witnesses who had been granted immunity to testify.

Posted by orrinj at 2:05 PM


Why I miss George W. Bush more with every passing day (S.E. CUPP, May 18, 2018, KC Star)

There are the little things. Bush could laugh at himself. His self-deprecating sense of humor was famously disarming. He wasn't too proud to take a joke, nor was he punitive about jokes at his expense.

And while he could be pointed, he was never mean. A universe away from berating a war hero or mocking a disabled journalist, the meanest Bush ever got was in his penchant for nicknames, from "Hurricane Karen" for adviser Karen Hughes, to "Pootie Poot" for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri says of his friend, then as much as now, he is "a person who doesn't have to be critical of everybody else, a person who understands how big these problems are, a person who just has a sense of the right way to conduct yourself as a former president."

While W. could range from inartful to inarticulate at times -- his gaffes are notorious -- Trump makes a daily virtue of his own ignorance and insists anyone who points out his willful ignorance is "establishment." When it's clear Trump is wrong, rather than admit or correct it, he simply calls it "fake news." That habit has trickled down to his communications shop and surrogates, and it's an embarrassing display.

Perhaps more importantly, Bush was "America Best," not "America First." He was hugely patriotic and optimistic about America's role in the world, but not in service of denigrating other countries or cultures. His tremendous commitment to the international AIDS crisis was, for him, an opportunity to help developing nations while elevating America's leadership.

We are, however, still living with the consequences of two things he chose not to do: amnesty and regime change in Syria.

Posted by orrinj at 4:10 AM


BBC Documentary: Trump Accused Of Sexual Misconduct With Teenage Models (Chris Sosa, July 23, 2018, National Memo)

Posted by orrinj at 4:09 AM


More Tennesseans are sporting Confederate flag license plates than ever before (Natalie Allison, Nashville Tennessean)

The number of Tennesseans now displaying Confederate battle flag license plates is higher than at any other point in the last decade, according to state data on the controversial specialty tags. [...]

At the end of the 2018 fiscal year in June, 3,273 Sons of Confederate Veterans license plates were active in Tennessee, a number 72 percent higher than at the end of the 2015 fiscal year when the display of Confederate flags was thrust into national debate.

The flag became a point of deep division and conflict following the June 2015 killings of nine African-American parishioners at Mother Emanuel Church in Charleston, S.C.