February 26, 2018


It's sickening to call cop in school shooting a coward: Law enforcement instructor (Tim Vogt, Feb. 26, 2018, USA Today)

I am a full-time law enforcement instructor teaching basic students as well as experienced officers in advanced training programs. Before this position, I was a sworn law enforcement officer. I have been in the law enforcement field for 10 years. In my career, I have responded to shots-fired calls and have been involved in shots-fired incidents. I have walked alone at night in pursuit of drug smugglers. I have responded and assisted county and state police officers on emergency calls ranging from high-speed pursuits with violent felons, to burglaries and assaults in progress, to violent domestic assaults. On some of these calls, I was by myself and the first on scene. I have attended multiple active shooter training programs. Luckily, I have never needed to fire my pistol or long arm at another human being. There is my career disclaimer. [...]

For all of the commentators and politicians to so easily refer to this man as a coward is sickening and should be condemned in the strongest terms. Maybe we should change the famous verse to, "Let him who has never been shot at criticize those making $40,000 a year who also choose not to be shot at." 

I ask all of these "courageous" commentators and politicians to place themselves in this officer's shoes. Do you know how you would react when the rounds start flying near you? Have all of you been in a building while real shots are being fired at you? I have not, so please fill me in. Do you know how that incredible sound affects your brain and your body? Have you been trained in any way to understand the physiological effects on the human body during and after a shooting incident? Have you felt your heart pound out of your chest while someone is killing people around you, with a weapon that you can't possibly match in fire power? 

Of course, the answer to all of these questions is no. And to all of those officers who speak as if they wouldn't hesitate in a similar situation, and so flippantly dismiss this man's actions, you better have the applicable warrior credentials. 

Posted by at February 26, 2018 3:22 PM