November 3, 2017
The Sins of Leon Wieseltier : The climb and fall. (JOSEPH EPSTEIN, 11/02/17, Weekly Standard)
Upon his quitting the New Republic, a famous think tank quickly took Leon on as its Isaiah Berlin Senior Fellow (Daddy would have been proud) and the Atlantic appointed him a contributing editor. The wealthy widow of Steve Jobs stepped up to fund a new magazine he planned to edit called Idea. In a well-known anecdote, the conductor Herbert von Karajan is said to have got into a cab, and when the driver asked him where he wished to go, von Karajan replied, "It doesn't matter. They want me everywhere." Leon Wielseltier seemed to be in the same condition.
Even better punch-line : "No, that is Christ, He just thinks He's von Karajan"
Posted by Orrin Judd at November 3, 2017 9:04 AM