June 26, 2017


Why We Must Make a Mockery of Trump (HOWARD JACOBSON, JUNE 23, 2017, NY Times)

Communism's failure of humor is the subject of Milan Kundera's first novel, "The Joke." For writing the words "Optimism is the opium of mankind! A healthy spirit stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky!" on the back of a postcard to a girlfriend, Ludvik Jahn is expelled from the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and sent to work in the mines.

The more monocratic the regime, the less it can bear criticism. And of all criticism, satire -- with its single ambition of ridiculing vanity and delusion -- is the most potent.

This can be only because the boastful are thin-skinned and the intolerant are forever looking over their shoulders. Mr. Trump himself is visibly easy to wound. Should this be a reason to hold back? "Who breaks a butterfly upon a wheel?" the great satirist Alexander Pope asked. The question was rhetorical. Wounding the vainglorious is a pleasing pastime in itself and contributes to their demoralization. Fire enough salvos of comedy and their solemn edifices start to crumble. It might be a slow process, but it is at least the beginning.

Derision is a societal necessity. In an age of conformity and populist hysteria, it creates a climate of skepticism and distrust of authority. If mercy droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven, derision spurts up as though from a pantomime geyser, drenching the braggart and the fool in the foulest ordures.

The unique problem that Donald presents the satirist is that he self-satirizes continuously.
Posted by at June 26, 2017 9:18 AM