March 15, 2017


The Benedict Option (David Brooks, MARCH 14, 2017, NY Times)

Rod shares the fears that are now common in Orthodox Christian circles, that because of their views on L.G.B.T. issues, Orthodox Christians and Jews will soon be banned from many professions and corporations. "Blacklisting will be real," he says. We are entering a new Dark Age. "There are people alive today who may live to see the effective death of Christianity within our civilization."

Rod says it's futile to keep fighting the culture war, because it's over. Instead believers should follow the model of the sixth-century monk St. Benedict, who set up separate religious communities as the Roman empire collapsed around them.

The heroes of Rod's book are almost all monks. Christians should withdraw inward to deepen, purify and preserve their faith, he says. They should secede from mainstream culture, pull their children from public school, put down roots in separate communities.

Maybe if I shared Rod's views on L.G.B.T. issues, I would see the level of threat and darkness he does. But I don't see it. Over the course of history, American culture has tolerated slavery, sexual brutalism and the genocide of the Native Americans, and now we're supposed to see 2017 as the year the Dark Ages descended?

Rod is pre-emptively surrendering when in fact some practical accommodation is entirely possible. Most Americans are not hellbent on destroying religious institutions. If anything they are spiritually hungry and open to religious conversation. It should be possible to find a workable accommodation between L.G.B.T. rights and religious liberty, especially since Orthodox Jews and Christians aren't trying to impose their views on others, merely preserve a space for their witness to a transcendent reality.

My big problem with Rod is that he answers secular purism with religious purism. By retreating to neat homogeneous monocultures, most separatists will end up doing what all self-segregationists do, fostering narrowness, prejudice and moral arrogance. They will close off the dynamic creativity of a living faith.

Setting aside the question of how withdrawing the light of Christianity would make the age any less dark; there is a certain hilarity to the idea of hiding from buggery in monasticism.

Posted by at March 15, 2017 5:02 AM