February 13, 2017
Texas man's obit blasts him as possessing 'no redeeming qualities' (Craig Hlavaty, 2/11/17, Houston Chronicle)
Charping died on Jan. 30, 2017 after a fight with cancer, aged 74. This was, according to the obit, "29 years longer than expected and much longer than he deserved.""He leaves behind 2 relieved children; a son Leslie Roy Charping and daughter, Shiela Smith along with six grandchildren and countless other victims including an ex-wife, relatives, friends, neighbors, doctors, nurses and random strangers," the obit continues.And it goes downhill from there: [...]"Leslie's hobbies included being abusive to his family, expediting trips to heaven for the beloved family pets and fishing, which he was less skilled with than the previously mentioned," the obituary read. "Leslie's life served no other obvious purpose, he did not contribute to society or serve his community and he possessed no redeeming qualities besides quick whited [sic] sarcasm which was amusing during his sober days."The closing line of the obit cuts rather deep:"With Leslie's passing he will be missed only for what he never did; being a loving husband, father and good friend. No services will be held, there will be no prayers for eternal peace and no apologizes to the family he tortured. Leslie's remains will be cremated and kept in the barn until "Ray", the family donkey's wood shavings run out. Leslie's passing proves that evil does in fact die and hopefully marks a time of healing and safety for all."
Posted by Orrin Judd at February 13, 2017 9:01 AM