November 4, 2016


Nativist crazies are attacking Chobani, so buy some Greek yogurt (Star-Ledger Editorial Board, November 04, 2016)

What the far-right cares about, apparently, is that among thousands of workers at Chobani, Ulukaya employs about 300 refugees, from Africa and the Middle East.
He's also started a foundation to help refugees, traveled to a Greek island to witness the crisis firsthand, and helped bring other companies like IBM on board to help integrate refugees into the American workforce.
For this, he's been singled out for the kind of vicious ire that hasn't been directed at other refugee-friendly businesses - hysterical posts like, "American Yogurt Tycoon Vows to Choke U.S. With Muslims."
Stories from Breitbart "News" - whose former executive chairman is now running Trump's presidential campaign - that wildly associate Chobani's hiring practices with sexual assaults and outbreaks of tuberculosis.
And of course, trolling. The mayor of Twin Falls, Idaho, received death threats simply for welcoming Chobani's new plant; as if his support for a local business is part of some massive conspiracy to bring sharia law to the United States.
Why pick on Chobani? Likely because its CEO is an immigrant, and instead of "stealing jobs," a favorite right-wing talking point, he's created thousands of them. Human Rights Watch just called him "a xenophobe's nightmare."
So not only do you support good corporate citizenship and eat good yogurt by buying Chobani. You get to thumb your nose at the bigots, too.

Posted by at November 4, 2016 12:16 PM