September 3, 2015
Nikki Haley takes on Donald Trump (Dana Milbank, 9/02/15, Washington Post)
Then there is Haley, young and charismatic, often mentioned as a vice presidential prospect. The child of Indian immigrants, she is the first woman and the first member of a minority group to be governor of South Carolina. She responded admirably and forcefully to the police killing in her state of Walter Scott, an unarmed black man, and she championed legislation to put cameras on police officers statewide -- the first of its kind.She wept with the mourners after a massacre at a black church in Charleston, and she led the subsequent effort to remove the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds. She told her children about Cynthia Hurd, one of the Charleston victims, whose motto was to "be kinder than necessary.""That's now my life motto," Haley, 43, said Wednesday afternoon. [...]"Why are you going all the way to this side and talking about birthright citizenship when you haven't even talked about illegal immigration itself?" she asked. "Are you as a candidate going to commit to putting troops along the border?" She also cited the high cost of drones, planes, and detention and deportation capabilities, which would be needed. Concluded the governor: "Don't say you're just going to build a wall, because a wall's not going to do it."It was at times implicit and at times explicit, but it was clearly a rebuke of Trump from a lonely voice of tolerance within the party. More of this is needed, and fast, if the GOP is to avoid Trump's siren call to alienate everybody but the party's shrinking demographic base.
...with that ad saying "Forget love." It's the Christian party and that's profoundly unChristian...not to mention just indecent.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 3, 2015 7:14 PM