August 16, 2014



Orrin Judd (orrinj) has invited you to play in a mini-league called BrothersJudd.

Selco Predictor is both easy to play and will keep you and your friends entertained throughout the Barclays Premier League season 2014/15.

Register or log in to the game by visiting

Once you have logged in, click on the Mini-Leagues link on the right of the page and then enter the code FC515-ZAL to join the private Mini-League.

Enjoy the game!

Thanks to our friends at FSB, we're giving away a copy of Jason L. Riley's Please Stop Helping Us to whoever gets the most games right this weekend.

'Please Stop Helping Us' : A new book brilliantly explains how policies designed to help blacks end up harming them.  (Thomas Sowell, National Review)

This book untangles the controversies, the confusions, and the irresponsible rhetoric in which issues involving minimum-wage laws are usually discussed. As someone who has followed minimum-wage controversies for decades, I must say that I have never seen the subject explained more clearly or more convincingly.

Black teenage-unemployment rates ranging from 20 to 50 percent have been so common over the past 60 years that many people are unaware that this was not true before there were minimum-wage laws, or even during years when inflation rendered minimum-wage laws ineffective, as in the late 1940s.

Pricing young people out of work deprives them not only of income but also of work experience, which can be even more valuable. Pricing young people out of legal work, when illegal work is always available, is just asking for trouble. So is having large numbers of idle young males hanging out together on the streets.

When it comes to affirmative action, Jason Riley asks the key question: "Do racial preferences work? What is the track record?" Like many other well-meaning and nice-sounding policies, affirmative action cannot survive factual scrutiny.

Some individuals may get jobs they would not get otherwise, but many black students who are quite capable of getting a good college education are admitted, under racial quotas, to institutions whose pace alone is enough to make it unlikely that they will graduate.

Studies that show how many artificial failures are created by affirmative-action admissions policies are summarized in Please Stop Helping Us, in language much easier to understand than in the original studies.

Posted by at August 16, 2014 2:35 PM

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