July 7, 2014
Help Wanted: Jobs in Trucking Go Unfilled : Labor Shortage in Shipping Industry Reflects a Skills and Goals Gap (BRENDA CRONIN, July 7, 2014, WSJ)
Something strange is afoot in long-distance trucking that is also bedeviling other industries: Many jobs that pay well--and don't require expensive degrees--are going unfilled for months.U.S. Xpress Inc., a Tennessee-based carrier, has enough freight to hire an additional 100 truckers a week and is deploying recruiters daily to driving schools throughout the eastern half of the country.Copeland Trucking, a family-owned company with about 50 trucks, is turning away business because of unfilled openings. The Minnesota-based firm's $9 million a year in revenue "could go to $13 million or $14 million overnight if I could put drivers in those trucks," said Charlie Hoag, manager of Copeland's terminal in Des Moines, Iowa.
Posted by Orrin Judd at July 7, 2014 7:23 PM