March 26, 2014
Dear Orrin,My name is Patrick Lown, and I am a graduate student in the Department Political Science at Stony Brook University. I recently came across BrothersJudd, and the post about how technology is changing the face of labor stuck out to me. It's really a concern! It's strange how we can get more productive, but instead of making our lives easier it puts us out of jobs. Creative solutions are pretty desperately needed I think.In any case, my colleagues and I are conducting a national survey and I was hoping that you would be interested in helping us. The survey we are conducting is interested in how people's personal characteristics and beliefs shape their understanding of other people and American society. Conservatives tend to be underrepresented in surveys, their opinions aren't heard as a result and we don't get an accurate picture of what Americans think about their society.The survey takes roughly 15-20 minutes to complete. All survey responses will be completely confidential, and all identifying information will be stripped by the survey collection software.I was hoping that you would consider posting the link to this survey on your site and encourage your readers to participate. I would be more than happy to send you (or any of your readers who are interested) the results of the data our team collects. If you have any reservations, I encourage you to take the survey yourself before posting it to your blog. I think you will find that it is interesting as well as quick and easy to complete.The link to the survey is: versions of this survey have been posted on a few liberal and conservative blogs and based on the feedback, readers have really seemed to enjoy taking it. However, we desperately need conservative responses to the survey, as liberal responses currently outnumber conservatives about 2 to 1.If you choose to post the survey, please let me know, so I can make a note to follow up with you when the study is complete. Also, I would ask that you please discourage your readers from discussing the study until its over as it could bias other people's results if they take the study after hearing about it from someone else (disabling the comments section would be ideal).Thanks for your time!Best Regards,Patrick
Posted by Orrin Judd at March 26, 2014 7:53 AM