December 13, 2013
A Setback for Manichean Conservatives (Peter Wehner, 12.13.2013, Commentary)
[L]ibertarians and conservatives who portrayed this deal as a "cave in" and a "shame" and an example of "a party that has lost its principles and bearings" look rather silly.This budget deal (which now heads to the Senate) may be a marginally good one or it may be a marginally bad one; but it was hardly a dramatic or defining moment in the history of modern conservatism. It'll be forgotten in a few weeks (and maybe in a few days). Yet there are some on the right who insist on turning every debate into a battle between liberty and tyranny, pitting the Children of Light against the Children of Darkness. For them it's Def Con 1 all the time. It's the American Revolution all over again.This approach can be entertaining up to a point, but it grows old and stale after a time; and a party that follows its Manichean Wing ends up battered and damaged.
The Right, like the Left, exists to amuse us.
Posted by Orrin Judd at December 13, 2013 7:50 PM