October 24, 2013
How the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza Became a Mistaken Poster Boy for Obamacare : "It was the Twitter equivalent of blurbing a book using the one positive line from a review that actually trashed the book," the Washington correspondent says. (Charles Ornstein, 10/24/13, Pacific Standard)
Last week, Ryan Lizza, a Washington correspondent with the New Yorker, did what I and many other journalists have done in the past three weeks: He attempted to sign up for an account on healthcare.gov, the federal government's health insurance marketplace site.And like me, at least, he initially thought he had succeeded. What follows is an instructive lesson in the speed of the news cycle and how incorrect information takes on a life of its own.
Posted by Orrin Judd at October 24, 2013 6:35 PM