July 17, 2013


China Is About To Make A Mistake That May Rival Its One Child Policy (Paul Roderick Gregory, 7/16/13, Forbes)

The most disastrous blunders have been committed by the scientific planners of one party states. Miscalculations and errors of the market system tend to be self-correcting if they are left alone. Even when they are mishandled, the damage is minor compared to the blunders of the state capitalists.

Some examples: Stalin's "scientific planning" decision to collectivize Soviet agriculture cost the USSR more than six million lives and condemned its agriculture to a half century of miserable performance. The world's former breadbasket became a net importer of grain. Mao's Great Leap Forward of 1958 destroyed the Chinese family farm and doomed over thirty million Chinese to starvation. It was not until Deng Xiaping freed the Chinese peasant (or they freed themselves, it is more accurate to say) that China's agriculture recovered. Stalin's death in 1953 stopped in the nick of time his Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature, which, among other things, would have changed the direction of flow of major Russian rivers.

Well, do not scientific planners learn their lessons? Indeed they have made disastrous mistakes in the past, but they will not repeat them, state-capitalism advocates say. Think again: China's great reformer Deng Xiaoping dictated China's one child policy in 1979 as the reforms started. Not only was this program a gross violation of human rights. It transformed China from a young and vibrant society into an old population with a declining supply of labor within one generation. As a consequence, China's leaders must figure out how to continue rapid growth with the demographics of old Europe.  The one child policy destroyed China's family-based safety net.  China must create a new one from scratch and at great expense. [...]

China, for its part, is about to make a mistake that may rival its one child policy. China's scientific planners have determined in their infinite wisdom that China's urbanization is proceeding too slowly. Although farmers have been moving to cities for decades, the government now says the rate is too slow. The leadership's urbanization blueprint calls for one quarter of a billion Chinese to move from the countryside to the city. The rush to urbanize comes despite concerns that many rural residents cannot find jobs in the cities and will not voluntarily leave behind their cherished rural life, which gives them at least the security of self sufficiency.

China's program to move one quarter of its population to the cities is not the dream child of some low level scientific planner. It has the support of the new Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, the head of the Chinese state government.

Posted by at July 17, 2013 5:35 AM

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