September 2, 2011
Bill Keller's modest proposal (Mollie, 8/26/11, Get Religion)
If the piece isn't satire, why would Keller say that Rick Santorum is part of a "fervid subset of evangelical Christianity"? He's Roman Catholic.If the piece isn't satire, why would the lede mention space aliens, much less compare belief in an alien invasion to Christianity?
If the piece isn't satire, why would he claim that "many Americans" view Catholicism, Protestant Christianity and Mormonism as "mysterious or suspect"? Does he have any concept of what percentage of Americans fall into one of those three categories? Of course he does. It's clearly satire.
Why would he traffic in the type of crude stereotypes about Mormons that result in condemnation from liberals?
If this weren't satire, why would he mis-state what Catholics believe about Communion? What's more, would he really call that sacrament "baggage" and "bizarre" unless he was trying to make a point about bigotry? I can't imagine he would.
If this weren't satire, would he really say that the Christian relationship to the Bible is one of lord and servant? Would he really pretend that in order to be a good candidate for office you have to believe that the Constitution is a higher authority than the Bible? Would he really pretend that the laws of this country are inerrant?
Would he come up with laugh lines such as this?:
I care a lot if a candidate is going to be a Trojan horse for a sect that believes it has divine instructions on how we should be governed.
If this weren't satire, would he really confuse inerrancy with literalism?
If this weren't satire, would a respected news man really be pushing the threat of Dominionism? Would he call someone a Dominionist who explained just two weeks ago that she had to literally Google the term to learn what it meant? Someone who explained quite clearly why the slur is inaccurate when used against her? I mean, I know he's biased, but he's not a hack.
Posted by oj at September 2, 2011 6:56 AM