August 1, 2011
FDA finds drug research firm faked samples, documents (Reuters, 7/27/11)
The FDA inspected Cetero in May and December last year and found falsified records about studies.Specifically, in at least 1,900 instances between April 2005 and June 2009, laboratory technicians identified as conducting certain studies were not actually present at Cetero facilities at that time, the FDA said in its May report.
The FDA also said at the time that Cetero might have "fixed" studies to get the desired result, or did not include failed results in their report.
"Cetero's May 2010 and December 2010 responses are inadequate because the scope of their internal investigation was far too narrow to identify and adequately address the root cause of these systemic failures," the regulators said.
The fatal flaw of the scientific method: humans.
Posted by oj at August 1, 2011 10:18 PM