June 14, 2011


Three Moves the U.S. Should Make Against Guadeloupe (JOHN GODFREY, 6/14/11, NY Times)

Start Clint Dempsey at Forward

If the first two matches of the Gold Cup have established anything, it’s this: Clint Dempsey is Bradley’s best attacking option, by a wide margin. [...]

Push Carlos Bocanegra to Central Defense

Bocanegra has played both central defense and left back during his impressive international career. At his peak, Bocanegra could move back and forth between the two positions without missing a beat. Now that he’s 32, Bocanegra lacks the mobility necessary to play on the left, because fast wingers can scoot around him and he doesn’t offer the sort of pace required to counterattack.

By moving Bocanegra back into a central role, Bradley could make the most of his considerable attributes (experience, organizational savvy, strength in the air) and mitigate his lack of speed.

Eric Lichaj, a speedy back with a penchant for pushing forward, could take Bocanegra’s place on the left. And Tim Ream, a promising central defender who gave up a penalty in a forgettable performance against Panama, could go to the bench and learn a few things by watching his captain. It’s a no-brainer.

...to step outside for the US brings out the least in him.

Posted by at June 14, 2011 5:10 PM

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