April 7, 2011
Joan Walsh Sparks Twitter Brawl Over Obama and Race (Caitlin Dickson, 4/07/11, The Atlantic Wire)
The Players: Joan Walsh, Salon.com editor-at-large; numerous outraged TwitterersOpening Serve: Joan Walsh commented on the state of American progressivism in a Salon article this week, in which she wrote, "I deeply resent people who insist that white progressives who criticize Obama are deluding themselves that they're his 'base,' when his 'base' is actually not white progressives, but people of color."
Return Volley: A tweeter by the name of Truthrose1 took offense to Walsh's comment and wrote, "@joanwalsh read your article, I resent white progressives who pretend they are the base of the Dem party and ignore AA's, we are even," sparking a back and forth between Walsh, Truthrose1, and several others that continues to drag on. Walsh attempted to defend herself by noting, "Not saying white progressives are THE base; opposite. But I resent African Americans who say THEY are THE BASE. Wrong," but Truthrose1 shot back instantly with the comment, among others, of "PBO is not your lap dog, thank god Gibbs called out the liars in the progressive media, u have done nothing but act like baggers."
Walsh tried to end the debate several times writing, "@truthrose1 Good night, life is too short for race baiting!" and even, "You're toxic, I'm sorry. Jesus. Get some help." But by this time it was too late...
...everyone knows The Base is government employees.
Posted by oj at April 7, 2011 6:12 PM