February 8, 2010
Drinking beer could help prevent weak bones : A new study claims that certain types of beer are a rich source of dietary silicon, and can help prevent osteoporosis (Press Association, 8 February 2010, The Guardian)
The experts said beer was a major source of dietary silicon – roughly half of the silicon in beer can be readily absorbed by the body.Posted by Orrin Judd at February 8, 2010 2:35 PMCharles Bamforth, lead author of the study, said: "Beers containing high levels of malted barley and hops are richest in silicon.
"Wheat contains less silicon than barley because it is the husk of the barley that is rich in this element.
"While most of the silicon remains in the husk during brewing, significant quantities of silicon nonetheless are extracted into wort and much of this survives into beer."
Dr Claire Bowring, from the National Osteoporosis Society, said: "These findings mirror results from previous studies which concluded that moderate alcohol consumption could be beneficial to bones."