October 13, 2009
EU Lisbon Treaty: Czech Republic government caves in to eurosceptic president (Bruno Waterfield, 12 Oct 2009, Daily Telegraph)
The crisis over the EU Lisbon Treaty has deepened after the Czech Republic's government backed down in a battle with President Vaclav Klaus over his refusal to sign the text.Jan Fischer, the caretaker prime minister, announced a climb-down after an emergency cabinet meeting in Prague, saying he would negotiate President Vaclav Klaus's call for a new Lisbon Treaty "opt-out" when he met other European Union leaders later this month.
Mr Fischer, who has been summoned to Brussels on Tuesday to explain the Czech position, was forced to admit that he was unsure whether Mr Klaus would sign the EU Treaty, even if his demand was met.
Posted by Orrin Judd at October 13, 2009 6:00 AM