March 10, 2009


Dalai Lama warns of Tibetan culture's 'extinction': On 50th anniversary of failed uprising against Chinese rule, spiritual leader says martial law devastated Himalayan region (Tania Branigan, 3/10/09,

The Dalaia Lama today warned that Tibetan culture and identity were "nearing extinction" as he spoke on the 50th anniversary of the failed uprising against Chinese rule which led to his flight into exile.

In an unusually forceful speech to thousands of supporters in India, he accused Beijing of bringing "hell on Earth" to the region at times through periods of martial law and hardline policies such as the cultural revolution.

"These thrust Tibetans into such depths of suffering and hardship that they literally experienced hell on earth," he said, adding that the policies had caused hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Chinese rule is 'hell on earth' (The National, March 10. 2009)
“The immediate result of these campaigns was the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Tibetans.” Tibetan culture and identity are “nearing extinction,” he told about 2,000 people, including Buddhist monks, Tibetan schoolchildren and a handful of foreign supporters. [...]

“Even today, Tibetans in Tibet live in constant fear and the Chinese authorities remain constantly suspicious of them,” the Dalai Lama said, blasting the “brutal crackdown” in the region since protests last year turned violent.

While his comments were unusually strong for a man known for his deeply pacifist beliefs, he also urged that any change come peacefully and reiterated his support for the “Middle Way,” which calls for significant Tibetan autonomy under Chinese rule.

“I have no doubt that the justice of Tibetan cause will prevail if we continue to tread a path of truth and non-violence,” he said. After his speech, thousands of young Tibetans took to the streets of Dharmsala chanting “China Out!” and “Tibet belongs to Tibetans!”

Protesters also marched in support of the Tibetans in New Delhi, Seoul and Canberra, the Australian capital, where they scuffled with police outside the Chinese embassy. Four of about 300 protesters were arrested there.

While Beijing claims Tibet has been part of Chinese territory for centuries, Tibet was a deeply isolated theocracy until 1951, when Chinese troops invaded Lhasa, the regional capital.

Yet violence would have saved the hundreds of thousands and liberated Hell.

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Posted by Orrin Judd at March 10, 2009 9:04 AM
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