February 13, 2009
Even After the Deal, Tinkering Goes On (DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, 2/13/09, NY Times)
Even as clerks were still drafting the measure, a broad array of industries and interest groups scrambled to calculate winners and losers in the final stimulus deal and in some cases engaged in fierce down-to-the-wire lobbying efforts for further adjustments.At some points on Thursday, there was confusion among top White House and Congressional officials over whether certain provisions were in the bill — a bit discomfiting for House Democrats, who had promised at least 48 hours of public review before a vote. At 10:45 p.m., the final text was posted to a House Web site.
...just start claiming there's all kinds of sensational stuff in the bill--sex change money for death row inmates; grants to study alien abductions; etc.--and watch Democrats scramble around trying to read the bill. Posted by Orrin Judd at February 13, 2009 7:50 AM