November 9, 2008


Best plan for the Mets and Yankees: Follow Red Sox (Ken Davidoff, November 9, 2008, NY Newsday)

The model to which both teams should adhere, clearly, is the Red Sox. In Boston, general manager Theo Epstein has completed what the Yankees (a lot) and the Mets (less than a lot) have been trying to accomplish.

"I think the goal is always to build a healthy organization. We try to keep that in the front of our mind," Epstein said this past week at the general managers' meetings in Dana Point, Calif. "If we ever get too focused on having to fill this hole, or having to get better in this area, we take a step back and say, 'Does this make sense for what we're trying to do over five to 10 years?'

"That said, our priority is to have good, young players in as many positions as we can have, but there's also a time and a place when the right player is available to go big, in the form of a trade or a free-agent signing. If it's the right player, the right age, the right impact offensively, defensively or as a pitcher.

"I think ultimately it'll be a mix. We want to be known for winning teams built primarily through our own farm system. You have to complement that with [players outside the team]."

Brian Cashman, Epstein's Yankees counterpart, has gotten crushed for passing on the Johan Santana trade a year ago. Epstein, following the same mantra - you don't give up both talent and big money for a player - also passed. He has received no flak because the Red Sox qualified for the playoffs thanks to the very players who were discussed with Minnesota - Jacoby Ellsbury, Jon Lester, Jed Lowrie and Justin Masterson.

The Yankees, on the other hand, missed the playoffs and have only Melky & Ian Kennedy to show for not getting Santana.

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Posted by Orrin Judd at November 9, 2008 1:36 PM
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