July 21, 2008
Political Blocs Realign in India Ahead of Confidence Vote (SOMINI SENGUPTA, 7/21/08, NY Times)
The confidence vote, scheduled for late Tuesday and apparently extremely tight, pivots around India’s deepening strategic and commercial ties with the United States. It is the first time in the history of independent India that a foreign policy disagreement threatens to bring down a democratically elected government.Mr. Singh, 75, spoke first. “Every single decision, every policy initiative we have taken,” he said, “was taken in the fullest confidence that we are doing so in the best interest of our people and our country.” Late evening, speaking to reporters outside parliament, he struck a note of confidence, saying he was certain of victory.
Mr. Singh’s Congress Party-led coalition took power in 2004 with support from four Communist parties. Their relationship grew increasingly embattled and snapped recently, when Mr. Singh said he would proceed with the nuclear agreement initiated by the United States.
The Communists, who opposed deepening relations with Washington, have since linked arms with Kumari Mayawati, the nation’s most powerful Dalit politician, as Indians on the lowest rungs of the caste ladder are also known. The two factions do not agree on many things, except both are bent on bringing down this government.
On Monday, Ms. Mayawati, 52, spoke against closer ties to the United States and in a bald political appeal to Muslim voters, alleged that Washington’s moves to isolate Iran would make life difficult for India. She warned Mr. Singh not to press ahead with the nuclear agreement as an issue of “personal honor.”
It was a radical departure for Ms. Mayawati, who in an interview only three weeks ago, said she did not know enough about the nuclear agreement to render an opinion.
Wouldn't stop Barack Obama. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 21, 2008 3:18 PM