May 22, 2008


I am the Margaret Thatcher of France, says Nicolas Sarkozy as he defies pension strikers (Henry Samuel, 23/05/2008, Daily Telegraph)

Tens of thousands of French workers staged nationwide protests yesterday against plans by President Nicolas Sarkozy to make people work a year longer to qualify for a full pension.

France's five largest unions joined forces to fight a government proposal obliging employees to work 41 years before retiring, against 40 years at present. They are also angry at plans to cut the numbers of public sector workers.

Half the country's trains were not running, but the action had less impact on public transport than expected because of a new rule on securing a minimum service during strikes. Paris and Lyon were barely affected and there were no delays on international routes.

British coalminers wouldn't wipe themselves with French public employees.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 22, 2008 8:29 PM
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