February 2, 2008


'Canada is the next big thing': U.S. networks scoop up more Canadian TV (Reuters, February 01, 2008)

The Canadian invasion of U.S. primetime intensifies.

NBC is finalizing a deal to pick up 13 episodes of CTV's upcoming drama series "The Listener."

The distributors of another Canadian drama, CBC's "The Border," are in discussions with several U.S. networks, including CBS and ABC.

And ABC Family is in talks to pick up 13 episodes of CBC's comedy series "Sophie." That follows CBS' deal this week to acquire 13 episodes of CTV's new drama series "Flashpoint."

The prolonged writers' strike had triggered a serious look by the U.S. broadcasters into local series in the top English-language markets -- Canada, the U.K. and Australia -- reversing a decades-long programming flow in the other direction.

But Canada is getting all the attention these days. "Canada is the next big thing," a U.S. agent said.

Why not just show DaVinci's Inquest? Fans of the CSI franchise will love it. Another one they might try is City Homicide, from Australia.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 2, 2008 5:34 PM
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