February 27, 2008


Lebanon Crisis Getting More Complex: Mediator (Reuters, 27/02/2008)

The standoff is at the heart of a diplomatic rift between Syria and Saudi Arabia, whose King Abdullah is unlikely to attend the Arab summit unless the conflict is resolved.

The crisis has led to the worst street violence since Lebanon's civil war, aggravating old communal tensions between followers of rival sectarian leaders.

It has also created new animosities between Sunni Muslim followers of governing coalition leader Saad al-Hariri and Shi'ite Muslim supporters of Hezbollah.

Moussa described Lebanon as a microcosm of the Middle East.

"Any splits, if they happen, can spread and threaten the rest of the countries. Therefore it is up to everyone who has a link to the Lebanese situation to sense the danger and bear their responsibilities," he said.

The splits are the point.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 27, 2008 8:00 AM
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