February 26, 2008


Roger Clemens may have joked about wife's chat with Jessica Canseco (TERI THOMPSON, CHRISTIAN RED, NATHANIEL VINTON and MICHAEL O'KEEFFE, 2/26/08, NY DAILY NEWS)

Congress is believed to have received new evidence over the past 10 days that may further undermine Roger Clemens' sworn testimony that he did not attend a suddenly notorious 1998 party at Jose Canseco's South Florida home.

The Daily News has learned that in the days since the Feb. 13 public hearing on steroids in baseball, another major leaguer has informed congressional investigators that Clemens often joked in the clubhouse about a memorable account of the party - a scene in which Debbie Clemens and Canseco's ex-wife Jessica compared the results of their surgical breast enhancements.

...what kind of guy puts his wife through this sort of humiliation? Is his HoF vote really more important than her last shred of dignity?

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 26, 2008 5:34 PM
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