February 26, 2008


Anti-War Democrats Ponder Next Step (ANNE FLAHERTY, 2/26/08, Associated Press)

In recent months, violence in Iraq has declined and the Baghdad government has made small steps toward political reconciliation, including plans to hold provincial elections on Oct. 1. While Democratic voters remain largely against the war, the security improvement has helped to cool anxiety among Republicans and stave off legislation demanding that troops start coming home.

The Senate was expected to vote Tuesday on a proposal to order troop withdrawals to begin within 120 days. With that legislation's failure almost assured and lacking a veto-proof majority in Congress even if such a proposal passed, Democrats are talking about whether to shift their strategy.

...to argue that this Congress has been less conservative than those that came before it over the past decade.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 26, 2008 8:54 AM
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