February 11, 2008


India pushing nuke deal (Greg Sheridan, February 11, 2008, The Australian)

KEVIN Rudd is set to meet twice with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this year in a sign that India's nuclear ambitions are back on the negotiating table. [...]

The Rudd Government has reversed the decision by the Howard government to sell uranium to India even though India is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

However, the visit of [Indian Science and Technology Minister Kapil] Sibal, a key figure in the Indian cabinet, so soon after that of Mr Saran, indicates the intense nuclear diplomacy still going on between New Delhi and Canberra.

Mr Sibal, in an exclusive interview with The Australian, said the Indian Government was confident its negotiations with the International Atomic Energy Agency would be completed soon and that this would result in an India-specific safeguards agreement that would allow nuclear trade with India.

After the obligatory period of pretending the Rudd policy will be the Howard policy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 11, 2008 6:57 AM
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