January 8, 2008


Bush, Democrats both support tax cuts -- but what kind?: The president seeks to extend existing reductions. His adversaries want relief for the middle class. (Maura Reynolds and P.J. Huffstutter, January 8, 2008, LA Times)

As signals of a weakening economy grow louder, the Bush administration and congressional Democrats are considering new measures, including a fresh round of tax cuts, designed to stave off recession.

But while both sides of Washington's policy debate appear to favor some kind of tax-cut package to spur economic growth, there is little sign that they are near agreement on what kind of cuts should go to whom.

It's amusing to hear presidential candidates talk about change when the governing consensus--not just here, but across the Anglosphere--has become so narrow.

Posted by Orrin Judd at January 8, 2008 8:08 AM
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