December 14, 2007


Gay unions may shape GOP race (PHILIP ELLIOTT, 12/14/07, The Associated Press)

New Hampshire Democrats have given the Republicans a potent issue that's ready to burst into the open just before the leadoff presidential primary: same-sex civil unions. [...]

"We hear reports of couples planning ceremonies for 12:01 on New Year's Eve. I'm certain this will be something that is in the news," said Fergus Cullen, chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party. "It will remind moderates and independents in New Hampshire that they didn't plan on civil unions and same-sex marriage when they voted for Democrats last year."

Civil unions and same-sex marriage were essentially nonissues in the 2006 campaign for governor and the Legislature, then GOP-controlled. But the issue gained prominence - and unexpected success - when Democrats seized control of the Legislature.

Republican Mitt Romney's campaign is already hinting at a final-week television and direct-mail campaign intended to tap opposition among core GOP voters to same-sex unions.

Posted by Orrin Judd at December 14, 2007 5:21 PM
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