June 17, 2007
Tories back vote on independence (EDDIE BARNES, 6/17/07, Scotland on Sunday)
A REFERENDUM on Scottish independence could be held as early as next year after a dramatic move by Conservative leaders to support the historic poll.The party's vice-chairman has publicly backed a referendum as soon as possible to "clear the air" over Scotland's constitutional future.
Several Tory MSPs are backing the move, claiming the poll - which is likely to reject independence three to one - would "shoot the Nationalists' fox".
Conservative supporters of the plan believe it is essential to kill off the independence issue to reassure businesses and potential investors that Scotland has a stable future, while also giving them a chance to set the "positive case" for the Union.
The funny thing is if the English had a referendum they'd dump Scotland. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 17, 2007 9:00 AM