June 7, 2007


House to vote on bill easing stem cell restrictions (CNN, 6/07/07)

The 213-204 vote against the cloning bill fell far short of the two-thirds majority needed under a special procedure that limits debate and does not allow amendments. The parties accused each other of using the legislation to score political points before a Thursday vote to send a stem cell bill to the White House that President Bush says he will veto.

Only 14 of 196 voting Republicans supported it. Among Democrats, 190 of the 221 voting were for it. [...]

"Are we willing to make the human embryo the lab rat of the 21st century?" asked Rep. David Weldon, R-Florida.

It's pretty impressive the way the President refuses to let such bitter fights get in the way of his bipartisan outreach effort, for instance, feel;ing it unfair that the Democratic Congressional leadership is greeted with silence while he gets introduced with the fanfare of Hail to the Chief, he ordered that they too be introduced with a theme song.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 7, 2007 11:41 AM
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