June 11, 2007


McConnell offers hope Senate will revive immigration bill (BRUCE SCHREINER, 6/11/07, AP)

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell offered hope Monday for reviving a stalled immigration bill, saying the status quo is “indefensible” while being responsible for creating a “de facto amnesty” for millions of illegal immigrants.

The Kentucky Republican said he thought his Senate Democratic counterpart, Majority Leader Harry Reid, “gave up on the bill too soon” after lengthy Senate debate. McConnell said there’s a “good chance” the Senate will take up the legislation again.

In a conference call with Kentucky reporters, McConnell said the fundamental question is whether the status quo is better than the proposed overhaul.

The anti-immigrationists can hardly turn around and argue in favor of the status quo.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 11, 2007 10:31 PM
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