June 11, 2007


Japan's elderly are urged to work (Chris Hogg, 6/11/07, BBC News)

Japan's government says the nation has to work harder to encourage elderly people to remain in the workforce.

They need to see them as a resource not a burden - invaluable manpower instead of people who just need support and care.

In a White Paper published on Friday, the government says the transformation to an ageing society is unprecedented.

In 50 years time, more than two-fifths of the population will be over 65, twice the current figure. [...]

The government plans specific measures to try to ease the hardship caused by such demographic challenges.

These include promoting employment among the elderly and helping people in their 50s to shape post-retirement life plans.

Good luck trying to get your most politically powerful cohort to carry their own load.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 11, 2007 4:31 PM
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