May 16, 2007


Reid sets Iraq litmus test (Elana Schor, May 15, 2007, The Hill)

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) yesterday offered a unique litmus test for Democrats seeking a strongly anti-war supplemental, slating two votes to gauge support for competing plans for Iraq withdrawal.

Caught between a Democratic base hungry for increased congressional pressure on President Bush and a White House not shrinking from a second veto, Reid proposed — and cosponsored — two Iraq redeployment amendments to the water-resources bill. The amendments, which could come to a vote as soon as tomorrow, are certain to present a tangle of choices for senators chasing both reelection and the White House.

Reid’s first amendment, mirroring a measure first crafted by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), would give the Senate’s strongest war critics a symbolic victory similar to that won by the House Out of Iraq Caucus late last week. The second amendment replicates the first emergency supplemental that was vetoed last month, while adding waivers to allow Bush to sidestep any Iraq withdrawal timeline.

...but attaching them to extraneous legislation?

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 16, 2007 1:06 PM
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