May 9, 2007


Batting clean-up (Mike Allen, May 9, 2007, Politico)

The ’08 spokespeople need to break out the Kevlar. If you thought it was tough to convince the press your boss meant “Huckleberry Finn” when he praised a Scientology novel, try telling reporters your guy meant “at least 10” when he said “10,000.”

When Sen. Barack Obama exaggerated the death toll of the tornado in Greensburg, Kan, during his visit to Richmond yesterday, The Associated Press headline rapidly evolved from “Obama visits former Confederate capital for fundraiser” to “Obama rips Bush on Iraq war at Richmond fundraiser” to “Weary Obama criticizes Bush on Iraq, drastically overstates Kansas tornado death toll”...

What kind of sissy has the press making excuses for his gaffes?

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 9, 2007 8:32 PM
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