May 4, 2007


Amid the chaos, Scotland takes historic step (Patrick Wintour, May 5, 2007, The Guardian)

One of the most dramatic and chaotic post-war British elections reached a climax last night when the SNP became the largest party in Scotland, pipping Labour by one seat, and putting the country on an uncertain course towards independence.

Nineteen hours after the polls closed, and results had see-sawed, a disconsolate Labour conceded that the SNP had secured 47 seats to Labour's 46, a desperate setback for Gordon Brown in his backyard as he prepares to take over the premiership.

The SNP leader, Alex Salmond, staked his claim to become first minister, saying: "It is very clear indeed which party has lost this election and the Labour party no longer has any moral authority left to govern Scotland. Scotland has changed for ever and for good. Never again will we say that Labour party assumes it has a divine right to rule Scotland."

He promised to govern with humility and verve.

300 years ago, Scotland was a great nation and a font of ideas while England was the world's greatest country. It's not a moment too soon to declare the union experiment a mistake.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 4, 2007 7:28 PM
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