May 24, 2007


Dems’ panel chiefs cash in on bundling (Alexander Bolton, May 24, 2007, The Hill)

Powerful Democratic chairmen and subcommittee chairmen have relied on lobbyists to raise money during the first three months of this year, according to recent fundraising reports, which cast light on the strong opposition to lobbying reform legislation scheduled to reach the floor today. [...]

It appears many Democrats — and Republicans, for that matter — would prefer that the public not know how much fundraising help lobbyists provide. Recent campaign-finance reports offer a glimpse of the interactions between lobbyists and lawmakers in private dining rooms around Washington.

Lobbyists have hosted at least three fundraisers for Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.), the chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Lobbyists at Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds and Wiley Rein spent $2,600 on catering and room rental fees to hold fundraisers for Oberstar in January and March, according to a fundraising report. [...]

Many lawmakers have questioned whether these proposed regulations are too ambiguous.

“If a lobbyist helps put on the fundraiser, are you saying that everyone who contributes is part of a bundled contribution?” Schadl said.

You must have to be Stupid not to find that a perplexing question.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 24, 2007 2:43 PM
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