April 17, 2007
Rudy Giuliani: Lifelong Liberal (George J. Marlin, April 16, 2007 , Politico)
Some Republicans and conservatives are now claiming that Rudy has changed and really become more conservative, and they cite as an example his abandonment of his former vehement opposition to school vouchers. But when Rudy Crew, former New York City Public Schools chancellor, asked Giuliani about this policy shift, the mayor said, "Don't worry about it. It's just a political thing, a campaign thing. I'm not going to do anything. Don't take it seriously." This particular rightward shift was simply a ploy to enhance Giuliani's 2000 U.S. Senate candidacy.Contrary to what we've been hearing and reading, Rudy Giuliani is today what he has always been: a liberal. Conservatives should take stories of his Damascus Road-like conversion with a grain of salt. Rudy, like Hillary, is campaigning for the presidency in order to implement lifelong leftist beliefs.
Fortunately, he's so undisciplined and condescending that he can't keep his contempt for conservatism hidden. His accidental honesty is deadly. Posted by Orrin Judd at April 17, 2007 9:48 AM