February 28, 2007


Ukip may split over suspension of MEP (Tania Branigan, February 28, 2007, Guardian Unlimited)

At least three of Ukip's 10 MEPs are on the verge of walking out of the party, in yet another blow for the beleaguered organisation, the Guardian has learned.

The pending split comes amid increasing discontentment about Nigel Farage's leadership and is prompted by the United Kingdom Independence party's decision to suspend an MEP this morning after the European Anti-Fraud Office said it was investigating his use of European parliament money.

The party faced further embarrassment this afternoon as it became embroiled in a row with a disabled would-be candidate. [...]

It was revealed this afternoon that the party had told a man he could not be a full Ukip candidate because he was disabled.

Nationalists never change.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 28, 2007 6:51 PM
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