October 17, 2006


Blair says bond with Canada is forged in battle
(DOUG SAUNDERS, 10/17/06, Globe and Mail)

In a rare speech to an audience of Canadians, British Prime Minister Tony Blair Monday sketched out a transatlantic relationship that has been reduced to little more than a single basic element: The struggle against terrorism, especially in Afghanistan.

Using that increasingly controversial war as a rallying point, Mr. Blair outlined the possibility of a new special relationship between Britain and Canada built on that struggle and a common bond with the United States.

It has been more than five years since Mr. Blair last devoted his public attention to Canada, with an Ottawa address to the House of Commons and the Senate in early 2001.

Now that Canada has gone Tory, Mr. Blair has a peer he shares things in common with.

Posted by Orrin Judd at October 17, 2006 9:13 AM
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